#12.22 The Theatre vs. Theater Episode with Steve Benaquist

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Comedian, actor, and writer of Hollywood Fringe’s “Too Many Hitlers”, Steve Benaquist sits down with the crew to talk about theater and to promote his Fringe show (which stars Amber and is directed by Joe).


Category: Podcasts, Season 12

Comments (4)


  1. eben says:

    Another great ep! The audio is a little off though, did I get a bad file from stitcher or was there a mic problem?

  2. reno california says:

    It sounds like there is only one mic and Joe is the closest one to it. But it’s fine. I laughed very hard many, many times. The highlight being Sean going on and on about Vikki Flam’s elitist method of feeding her children. Amber’s trip to Vegas sounds like a great movie.

  3. Nick says:

    Fuuuuuuuuuckkkkk that was fun. A+ ep y’all.

  4. Germ says:

    Amber jha jha jooojha ;)

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